hijab style maria elena is greek helen

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

this is maria elena, blogger yang cute, bubbly & so stylish. and her blog is so superb, peliks so much. i am so in love with her hijab style.

and today, i'm willing to take a risk. try to wear hijab like maria elena. hahahha so here is me with new hijab style. so adik maria, adakah akak lulus...sila beri markah yer...i hope at least 7/10.

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  1. amirah, senang jek lar...i loike pasal boleh save duit beli tudung mahal2.
    hehehhe. try lar....

  2. yup eray..senang jer kalo kita dh tau cmner nk pakai kan..cantik la sue..cumell lagi..kira dh pass ni pakai shawl...

  3. tq..kembang hidung jap...hehehe
    jom ramai2 pakai shawl :)


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