inverted nipple @ puting rata

Monday, October 11, 2010

a friend of mine asked me about "macam mane nak susukan anak, if puting susu tenggelam? kesian mommy tuh, susu die banyak tapi puting tak keluar". eray tiada jawapan yang tepat sebab tak pernah mengalami masalah nie. so eray pun memulakan misi mencari jawapan bersama mr. google.

alhamdulillah, Allah dah janji setiap masalah mesti ada penyelesaian. so here is few tips for mommy who is facing with inverted nipple issues:
google picture: madela nipple former

  • use madela nipple former (nipple former ni ada lubang di tengah2 plastic cup yang sama position dengan nipple. shield dia akan bersentuhan dengan "periareolare" and would help in massaging the skin around it to get soft and flexible. satu lagi, ia bagus digunakan masa siang coz anda akan bergerak dengan banyak menyebabkan nipple former tu pun bergerak and massage the "periareolare". anda boleh hentikan penggunaan bila that part dah soft and flexible, bergantung pada individual, someone may take 1 week dan boleh sampai 3 bulan.) -sumber

google picture: madela nipple former

  • pegion nipple puller (The Pigeon Nipple Puller is an aid for successful breastfeeding. There is no doubt that breast milk is best for baby, so inverted or flat nipples need not prevent you from successfully feeding your baby. The Pigeon Nipple Puller gently draws the nipple out, enabling you to breastfeed your baby directly.)-sumber toysntots
  • use breastpump (The use of a breast pump or other suction device immediately before a feeding may help to draw out inverted nipples. A high-quality, hospital grade, electric pump is the best choice for this purpose.)-sumber loveyourbaby
  • use your fingers (Shape your nipple. Hold your breast behind the areola, with your fingers underneath and thumb on top – your hand forming the letter, “C”. Press in with your “letter C hold” and push back toward your chest at the same time. This extends and tapers the areola, allowing your baby to latch on with less effort. This is known as a “breast sandwich" or “nipple sandwich” commonly used to get more breast tissue into a baby’s mouth.)-sumber loveyourbaby
  • adopt Hoffman Technique (The Hoffman technique is a nipple stretching exercise that may help loosen the adhesions at the base of the nipple when performed several times a day. Use your 2 thumbs placed on either side of the nipple base. Push in firmly against your breast tissue and pull your thumbs away from each other at the same time.)-sumber loveyourbaby
one more tips semua mommies kene ingat, baby menyusu not from your nipple but from your breast. so mommies good latching is very important. i've found a very good article about lacthing & positioning in breastfeeding. the more we read, the more we know. :)

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  1. dulu masa awal2 ila pon mengalami problem mom ajar, gentel2 dulu teat b4 kasik baby isap..seksa gak aa time awal2 tu..sbb baby slalu ngamuk tak dpat isap..mmg kene banyak bersabar laa..
    alhamdulillah lama2 lepas baby dah slalu isap, n dah kerap mengepam, automatically nip tu timbul je..

  2. :) tuh lar sume masalah mesti ade solution. tuh lar ape2 pun yang penting sabar & tak give up.

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