Postpregnancy, Stretch Marks & PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL

Monday, November 29, 2010

stretch marks, who knows what is stretch marks? how its look alike? what color it is? what is the shape of stretch marks?

i believe all mommies out there knows what is exactly the stretch marks is.

sources: wikipedia

Stretch marks or striae (singular stria), as they are called in dermatology, are a form of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue. They are caused by tearing of the dermis, and over time can diminish but not disappear completely.

Stretch marks are often the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth (common in puberty) or weight gain (e.g. pregnancy, muscle building, or rapid gain of fat) or in some cases, severe pulling force on skin that overcomes the dermis' elasticity. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, muscle building, hormone replacement therapy for transsexuals, etc.[1] Medical terminology for these kinds of markings includes striae atrophicae, vergetures, stria distensae, striae cutis distensae, striae gravidarum (in cases where it is caused by pregnancy), lineae atrophicae, striae distensae, linea albicante, or simply striae.

if malas nak bace, see the picture below...sure it will describe what is stretch marks all about.

scary aitye? even kat breast area pun boleh affected by stretch marks.

letaklah banyak mane cream or lotion, if dah memang jodoh you all dengan stretch mark kene lar terima. tapi takkan kite nak tengok stretch mark tuh berlingkar kat perut kite even lepas pregnant. sangat lah tidak cantik.

me also face the same problem of stretch marks, mase early pregnancy memang tak sign langsung yang SM akan timbul. tapi bila masuk bulan ke tujuh, perut pun dah besar cam belon panas, terus SM timbul sikit-skit. lame-lame penuh kat area perut.

still hope for a good thing, hopefully it will disappear after confinement. ya Allah! tak de maknenya die nak hilang naturally. macam-macam cream letak, ye lar tak kan nak suh hubby tengok SM tuh, dah lah sangat tidak seksi ocay.

mula-mula, macam tak percaya sangat yang PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL boleh hilangkan SM. i beli pun sebab nak turunkan berat badan. and you know wut, baru sebulan pakai PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL all my SM faded away. no more black spiral, no more zebra. it is so unbelievable.

alhamdulillah, losing weight & at the same time losing all the stretch marks.

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  1. SM ni wujud sbb kite rajin sgt menggaru perut yg sedang memboyot tika klu x digaru xde tggl pape2 kesan pun..aku mase ank first mmg xde SM ni sbb aku x pernah menggaru..then ank yg kedua ade garu sbb 5 bulan perut da besar tp still pki bju kurung tu yg gatal2 timbul then garu ler puas2..hihi tp skit jelah SM yg timbul..mase pantang sapu ari2 rosehip oil tu...alhamdulillah hilang da SM..ade gak guna waist nipper PM..rase sedap n kejap jek badan..n now berat da kembali menjd asal sebelum nk turun kn lg mcm seblm married..hukhukhuk

  2. mummy comei: aku tak garu sikit pun, tak gatal ape pun. die muncul tetibe jek. tidak ku jangka, tak ku duga.
    dah lah blackie, aduss..alhamdulillah hilang juga dengan PB akhirnya.

  3. strech marks saya plak sebab gatai2 pakai krim pemecah lemak..huhu..yg panas tu.kengkonon nak kuruskan perut amik ko, alergik rupanya..terus naik strech marks..

  4. amirah: bes2 skg dah hilang ke belum? if belum hilang, meh try premium beautiful...:)


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