woohooo i found this answer at kellymom.com. i believe many mums wanna know more about this :)
How can I maximize my natural period of infertility?
Timing for the return to fertility varies greatly from woman to woman and depends upon baby's nursing pattern and how sensitive mom's body is to the hormones involved in lactation.
- Breastfeeding frequency and total amount of time spent breastfeeding per 24 hours are the strongest factors leading to the return of fertility: a mother is more likely to see the return of fertility if baby's nursing frequency and/or duration is reduced, particularly if the change is abrupt.
- In some populations, research has shown that night nursing slows the return to fertility.
- One study showed that mothers who were separated from their infants (but expressed milk to provide 100% breastmilk for baby) had a higher pregnancy risk (5.2%) during the first 6 months (Valdes 2000).
- The introduction of solid food can also be a factor in the return of fertility. Once baby starts solids (if mom's cycles have not returned), the natural period of infertility may be prolonged by breastfeeding before offering solids, starting solids gradually, and not restricting nursing.
You can achieve higher effectiveness by practicing ecological breastfeeding:
- keeping baby close
- breastfeeding on cue (day and night)
- using breastfeeding to comfort your baby
- breastfeeding in a lying-down position for naps and at night
- using no bottles or pacifiers
If you practice ecological breastfeeding:
- Chance of pregnancy is practically zero during the first three months, less than 2% between 3 and 6 months, and about 6% after 6 months (assuming mom's menstrual periods have not yet returned).
- The average time for the return of menstrual periods is 14.6 months.
- Moms whose cycles return early tend to be infertile for the first few cycles. Moms whose cycles return later are more likely to ovulate before their first period.
Source: Natural Child Spacing and Breastfeeding by Jen O'Quinn
Source: Natural Child Spacing and Breastfeeding by Jen O'Quinn
While it is possible for a nursing mom to become pregnant while she is breastfeeding and before she has her first menstrual period, it is rare. Most moms do not get pregnant until after their first period (often referred to as the "warning period"). Even after that, while some can become pregnant the first cycle, others will require months of cycles before pregnancy can occur. Still others (this is quite uncommon) may not be able to become pregnant until complete weaning has occurred.
- likes to bagging her toys (astro remote control) to the floor
- likes to play hide n seek
- likes to babble (tatatata dadadada)
- likes to make bubbles (siap2 sembur lagi kay)
- likes to crawl all around da living room (fav kejar kaki ayah smbil tergelak2 sakan)
- likes to sit by her own
- try so hard to stand without any support
- likes to imitate sound (tgh tgk tv, de adegan nanges...hek hek...tibe2 dgr my rayna makes da same sound hek hek, hehhe so funny, bile kene tego uat muke innocent)
- likes to eat quaker oat plus dates or raisin
- when me or hubby leaving her all alone at living room (huh trus die nanges mcm kene dera...malu ibu tau)
- i try to snatch away her toys (not exactly toys ye, ske sgt main dgn kertas or plastic)
- i put her on the infant car seat (dulu mase die kecik redha jek kene letak, now dh pandai protes x nak...slalu i umpan ngn lagu tepuk amai2 nk suh die diam)
- when me or hubby wanna put on her clothes after bathing time (errmm maybe she likes to bath for a long time)
even i know i'll in a big mess, but it is a part and parcel of life
it is high time for me, i dunt wanna waste ma time
insyaallah i will continue my studies soon
so dear friend, doakan agar Allah permudahkan jalan yang aku pilih ini
huh mmg aku akui berat badan aku mencecah almost 80kg mase mengandung ari2, dr berat asal aku 56kg jek gitu. huh kemain lagi die naik, nak kate aku makan bnyk xde le sgt...doc kate bnyk air dlm badan, yg uat aku makin konfius bile rayna kecik je dlm perut, lahir pun 2.61kg jek...pas2 siap air ketuban skit jek, huhu dh2 berat yg lain2 tuh ape...?? lemak kah?? aduuuuyaaaiii
mulut manusia nie mmg berbisa kan? 1st day aku naik keje lps pantang, mcm2 komen aku dpt. ada yg +ve & -ve. yg -ve tuh aku x larat nk dengo & layan. x terguris kah hati ko bile owg ckap "uiks peknen lagi kah" "nape x trun2 badan k0?" "pooh bear" adduuuuhhhh aku sgt sakit hati...trus aku emo jap..n lebih truk aku jd x konfident
mcm2 mende aku gugel pasal juzmate5 ler, premium beautiful ler.......hanya semata2 nk sejukkan hati aku yg terbakar. sape x nk kurus balik? aku pun nak.........cume jgn ler pressure aku. aku x leh nk diet sakan2, pasal aku susukan rayna...aku nk die dpt nutrisi yg sebaik mungkin...tu pasal sume mende sedap aku telan.
tp dlm mase yg same, aku nk jugak slim mcm dulu (huh x le slim mane pun..hehhe)..a ah slim cm dulu...aku berkira2 congak2....akhirnya aku beli premium beautiful tuh....(walaupun aku x yakin keberkesanannya) n aku cube pakai (huh habes separuh nafas aku mase mula2 pakai).
ya berat badan aku 67kg lps abes pantang......67kg tuh jugaklah aku setat pki premium beautiful...lebey kurang sebulan lebey aku pki......jeng jeng jeng....dh ade yg mula tego aku..."you look slimmer than before" "pesal mcm dh kurus nie" n mcm2 lagi komen yg menyenangkan hati aku.......tp mase tuh aku x moh perasan lebey2...aku nk scale dulu....
mmg mendebarkan mase nk scale berat badan aku, mcm2 aku bace mase nk scale...aku naik atas scale perlahan2 wallllaaaaaa 60kg sudah....alhamdulillah....lg 4 kg to loss more....aku x sangke menjadi aku pki premium beautiful nie.....jeans yg x bley pki ari2 aku sudah boleh pakai semula (saiz 29 inch yer) .....yeaaahhh (menjerit smbil melompat)
aku bukan nk kempen try ler gune premium beautiful (aku x jual pun yerr) cume aku nk share ape yg aku alami....so kepada yg de poblem same cm aku leh le try, insyallah berkesan :)
Breastfeeding could improve academic achievement, study says
Tue, Jun 16, 2009 (HealthDay News) -- Breast-fed children may get better high school grade point averages and be more likely to attend college, suggests a U.S. study that looked at 126 siblings from 59 families.Some of the siblings were breast-fed while others were not. Among those who were breast-fed, an additional month of breast-feeding was associated with an increase in high school GPA of 0.019 points and an increase of 0.014 in the likelihood of going to college, United Press International reported.
The findings were published in the Journal of Human Capital.
"The results of our study suggest that the cognitive and health benefits of breast-feeding may lead to important long-run educational benefits for children," American University professor Joseph Sabia said in a news release, UPI reported.
HealthDay NewsWhat you can do:
Breastfeed your child if you can. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding your baby for at least the first year of life, and longer if both you and your child wish to continue. (sources: babycenter.com)
masya allah, adakah statement ini benar? saya jadi takut, ya Allah semoga Engkau berikan rezeki susu ibu yang mencukupi kepada anakku Rayna sehingga sekurang2nya umurnya 2 tahun.
td saya bloghopping dan saya terjumpa post yang berkaitan dengan post saya nie. saya manusia lemah dan dangkal, masih terlalu banyak ilmu yang saya tidak ketahui. harap saya boleh share post ini dengan rakan2 sebagai panduan kita bersama.
Kisah Aminah upah Halimatusaadiah sebagai ibu susuan Nabi Muhammad peringatan penting.
MUNGKINKAH parahnya penyakit sosial di kalangan masyarakat hari ini adalah akibat meminum susu lembu sebagai ganti susu ibu? Mahu atau tidak, inilah hakikat yang perlu dipertimbangkan semula kerana bijak pandai mengatakan, ‘Kita adalah apa yang kita makan’.
Tidak hairanlah manusia yang dilahirkan, tetapi diberi minum susu lembu memiliki ciri seekor lembu atau kata lain, bersifat kebinatangan. Bunyinya keras, tetapi lihatlah masyarakat hari ini yang lebih ganas daripada binatang liar.
Sumbang mahram, rogol dan bunuh, dera dan sebagainya semakin menjadi-jadi. Keganasan sering kali dipilih sebagai kaedah penyelesaian masalah walaupun bagi masalah kecil.
Kebimbangan wujud manusia berciri kebinatangan hari ini disuarakan tokoh agama, Datuk Abu Hassan Din Al Hafiz ketika menyampaikan ceramah sempena Minggu Penyusuan Ibu Sedunia di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM), Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
Beliau berkata, sikap lebih gemar memberi susu lembu kepada bayi berbanding susu ibu menyebabkan masyarakat tidak sedar bahawa mereka sedang menjana manusia ‘Nas’ yang bersifat kebinatangan.
“Manusia terbahagi kepada dua iaitu manusia ‘Nas’ yang tidak menggunakan akal dan suka melakukan kemungkaran dan satu lagi, manusia ‘insan’ yang lebih cenderung kepada kebaikan dan memelihara diri daripada kejahatan.
“Jika diperhatikan, di dalam al-Quran ada 300 ayat yang bermula dengan perkataan ‘Wahai Nas’ yang diturunkan pada zaman jahiliah di Makkah, manakala hanya 82 ayat yang bermula dengan ‘Wahai insan’ yang diturunkan di Madinah. Ini menunjukkan manusia ‘insan’ yang bercirikan kemanusiaan kurang berbanding manusia ‘nas’. Malangnya, manusia hari ini semakin tergolong ke dalam manusia ‘nas’,” katanya yang menyampaikan ceramah bertajuk Menjamin Sahsiah dan Hubungan Sesama Manusia .
Beliau berkata, jenayah yang dilakukan masyarakat hari ini jauh lebih buruk daripada masyarakat jahiliah. Sungguhpun mereka dikenali kerana kekufuran, pada zaman berkenaan tidak ada bapa yang merogol anak sendiri atau membuang bayi yang dilahirkan ke merata tempat.
Tahap ‘kebinatangan’ mereka tidak seteruk masyarakat hari ini kerana mereka tidak memberikan bayi mereka dengan susu binatang lain.
“Peranan ibu yang utama ialah menyusukan anak dengan susu badan seperti yang ditentukan dalam al-Quran. Ini sudah ditunjukkan ibu Nabi Muhammad, Aminah. Selepas lapan bulan Muhammad dilahirkan,susu Aminah kering, tetapi dia tidak terfikirpun untuk menggantikannya dengan susu kambing yang banyak di rumahnya.
“Sebaliknya, Aminah lebih sanggup mengupah Halimatusaadiah untuk menyusukan Muhammad. Melalui kisah Aminah, Allah sengaja hendak mengajar umatnya bahawa wanita lain boleh menyusukan anak orang lain dan mereka digelar ibu susuan yang haram berkahiwn dengan anak dan saudara daripada ibu susuan tadi. Syaratnya, mereka perlu disusukan sehingga kenyang,” katanya.
Ada rahmat terselindung di sebalik persoalan, mengapa susu manusia terlekat pada dada berbanding binatang lain. Ini bagi memudahkan ibu memeluk bayi sewaktu menyusu di mana pelukan ini akan menjana sahsiah si anak dan mengukuhkan ikatan ibu anak.
“Sedangkan haiwan juga ada sifat keibuan dengan sanggup menyusukan anak mereka. Mengapa manusia tidak sanggup, malah tergamak memberikansusu haiwan lain kepada anaknya? Ibu bapa yang memberikan anak susu lembu dan anak membesar menjadi jahat, ibu bapa itu akan dipersalahkan dunia dan akhirat,” katanya.
Anak dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah, tetapi kedua ibu bapa menjadikannya Yahudi, Nasrani atau Majusi. Terpulang kepada ibu bapa untuk memilih yang terbaik buat anak mereka.
aku sering tertanya2 kemanakah akal fikiran kita yang rasional? adakah telah hilang ditelan dengan kepesatan teknologi yang semakin membanjiri diri kita? adakah kerana akses maklumat yang tiada sempadan? atau adakah kerana kita semakin lupa dan jauh dengan pencipta kita Ya Allah?
pernah korang dengar kisah pemuda dan tukang gunting rambut? Pada suatu hari, seorang pemuda bergi ke kedai gunting rambut. Dia berbual-bual dengan tukang gunting rambut itu tentang banyak perkara dan tiba ke perbincangan berkaitan Tuhan.
“Saya tidak percaya kewujudan tuhan.” Kata tukang gunting rambut.
“Kenapa awak kata begitu?” Tanya pemuda itu dengan nada terperanjat.
“Mudah saja. Saudara keluar dari kedai ini, perhatikan di jalan dan saudara bersetuju dengan saya. Sekiranya Tuhan wujud, kenapa ada orang yang sakit? Kenapa ada anak-anak yang terbiar? Sekiranya benar Tuhan wujud, pasti tidak ada kesengsaraan. Saya yakin Tuhan tidak membiarkan sahaja perkara sedemikian.”
Pemuda itu senyap sahaja kerana tidak mahu menimbulkan sebarang kekecohan semasa sedang menggunting rambut.
Selepas itu, pemuda itu meninggalkan kedai gunting rambut. Tiba-tiba dia terpandang seorang lelaki di jalanan yang kusut masai. Rambutnya panjang dan tidak terurus.
Pemuda itu kembali masuk ke kedai gunting rambut tadi. “Awak tahu sesuatu? Saya tidak rasa tukang gunting rambut wujud!”
“Eh, bagaimana pula?” Tanya tukang gunting rambut itu. “Saya seorang tukang gunting rambut dan saya ada di sini!”
“Tidak! Mereka tidak wujud kerana jika mereka wujud, sudah tentu tidak ada manusia yang berambut panjang seperti lelaki di jalanan itu.”
“Ah, begitu rupanya. Habis, mereka tidak dating mencari saya.”
“Tepat sekali!” jawab pemuda itu dengan senyuman. “Tuhan memang wujud cuma manusia yang tidak berusaha mencari Nya. Sebab itulah wujudnya banyak kesakitan dan penderitaan di dunia ini.”
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menganiaya manusia sedikitpun, akan tetapi manusia jualah yang menganiaya diri mereka sendiri.
nah, adakah kita rasa terpukul dengan kisah ini? bersyukurkah kita dengan apa yang telah dikurniakan kepada kita? kerja yang bagus, rumah yang elok, anak-anak yang comel dan bermacam-macam lagi nikmat? cukupkah kita mengingati DIA?
Ya Allah jadikanlah aku sebagai hambaMu yang bersyukur, lapangkan dan luaskan hati ini agar aku sentiasa berusaha mendekatkan diri padaMu, kurniakanlah rindu yang maha hebat untuk bertemuMu Ya Allah.
it is almost 4 days, painful & intense days for me, i've got diarrhea :( ini sume kerana aku sgt craving makan kupang, berkilo2 kupang aku makan..dah le masak sambal, ibu plak yang masak, cmne aku nk menolak..?? petang tuh plak dihidangkan milo pekat buatan mak ngah, owwhhh sgt kaw, jadi bercawan2 aku teguk...penyudahnya kepala aku pening, perut memulas2 dan wek wek aku muntah (even pregnant pun aku x vomit out tau)
so since having this sickness, i am so worried if my diarrhea will affect my little rayna, setelah puas aku menggugel, akhirnya ku jumpe jawapan di kellymom (aku sayang kelly mom). so guys here the answer for my question, hopefully it will also help you when you are facing the same DIARRHEA like me :)

cantekkan ibu yang menyusukan anak nih
Should breastfeeding continue when mom is sick?
It is very, very rare for a mom to need to stop breastfeeding for any illness. There are only a few very serious illnesses that might require a mom stop breastfeeding for a period of time or permanently. Per Dr. Ruth Lawrence, "HIV and HTLV-1 are the only infectious diseases that are considered absolute contraindications to breastfeeding in developed countries" (Lawrence & Lawrence 2001).
During any "ordinary" illness such as a cold, sore throat, flu, tummy bug, fever, mastitis, etc. you should continue to breastfeed. Just remind your doctor you are nursing so that if medications are needed he can prescribe something that is compatible with breastfeeding. Most medications are safe to take while breastfeeding, and for those that are not recommended there is almost always an alternative medication that is safe.
If mom has food poisoning, breastfeeding should continue. As long as the symptoms are confined to the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps), breastfeeding should continue without interruption as there is no risk to the baby. This is the case with most occurences of food poisoning. If the food poisoning progresses to septicemia, meaning the bacteria has passed into mom's bloodstream (mom would most likely be hospitalized), see this guidance from Dr. Ruth Lawrence:
"Maternal infections of the genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract do not pose a risk to infants except in the rare circumstances when septicemia occurs and bacteria might reach the milk. Even in this event, continued breastfeeding while the mother receives appropriate antibiotic therapy that is compatible with breastfeeding is the safest course for the infant. If the infecting organism is especially virulent or contagious (e.g., an invasive group A streptococcal infection causing severe disease in the mother), breastfeeding should continue after a temporary suspension during the first 24 hours of maternal therapy. Prophylactic or empiric therapy for the infant, against the same organism, may be indicated." [source: Lawrence RM & Lawrence RA. Given the Benefits of Breastfeeding, what Contraindications Exist?
Pediatric Clinics of North America 2001 (February);48(1): 235-51.]
The best thing you can do for your baby when you're sick is to continue to breastfeed. When you have a contagious illness such as a cold, flu, or other mild virus, your baby was exposed to the illness before you even knew you were sick. Your milk will not transmit your illness to baby, but it does have antibodies in it that are specific to your illness (plus anything else you or baby have been exposed to) - they'll help prevent baby from getting sick, or if he does get sick, he'll probably not be as sick as you.
Withholding your breastmilk during an illness increases
the possibility that baby will get sick, and deprives baby
of the comfort and superior nutrition of nursing.
You can also take measures to prevent baby from getting sick by doing the usual things to prevent the spread of illness: washing hands often, avoid sneezing/coughing on baby, limiting face-to-face contact, etc .
When you're sick, it can help to just tuck baby into bed beside you and nurse lying down whenever baby gets hungry. If baby starts getting sick and not wanting to nurse, then see Baby refuses to nurse when sick.
Many times moms don't nurse frequently enough and don't get enough fluids to keep the milk supply going. Sometimes medications can cause your milk supply to diminish, as well. To avoid a decreased milk supply, drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, continue to nurse often and avoid/limit medications (like antihistamines) that tend to decrease milk supply.
on her first day, aku bagi bubur nasi dicampur dengan puree kurma dan susu, tapi rayna kurang suka. so aku try bg puree kurma saje & rayna sgt suke. baru2 nie kiteorg balik johor, so nenek rayna di johor prepare bubur nasi plus sayur & ikan, waaahhhh rayna sgt suke walaupun pada mulenya die pelik jek nak start makan.
sebenarnya aku sayu hati jugak nk introduce solid food dekat rayna, sbb takut die sudah tak nak bf frequently lagi, tp alhamdulilah she still need bf as always :)

here is some good info on how to start 1st solid to your baby:
resources: http://www.babycenter.com
How should I introduce solid food?
A good rule of thumb is to start with rice cereal, which is gluten-free and less allergenic than other foods. First, nurse or bottle-feed your baby. Then give him one or two teaspoons of dry cereal mixed with enough formula or breast milk to make a semi-liquid. Use a rubber-tipped spoon when you feed your baby, to avoid injuring his gums. Start with just a small amount of cereal on the tip of the spoon.
If your baby doesn't seem very interested in eating off the spoon, let him smell and taste the cereal or wait until he warms up to the idea of eating something solid. Don't add solid food to your baby's bottle or he may not make the connection that food is to be eaten sitting up and from a spoon.
Begin with a once-a-day feeding, whenever it's convenient for you and your baby, but not at a time when your baby seems tired or cranky. Your baby may not eat much in the beginning, but give him time to get used to the experience. Some babies need practice keeping food in their mouths and swallowing.
Once he gets used to his new diet, he'll be ready for a few tablespoons of cereal a day. As the amount he eats increases, gradually thicken the consistency of the cereal and add another feeding.
How will I know when my baby's full?
Your baby's appetite will vary from one feeding to the next, so a strict accounting of the amount he's eaten isn't a reliable way to tell when he's had enough. If your baby leans back in his chair, turns his head away from food, starts playing with the spoon, or refuses to open up for the next bite, he has probably had enough. (Sometimes a baby will keep his mouth closed because he hasn't yet finished with the first mouthful, so be sure to give him time to swallow.)
Do I still need to give my baby breast milk or formula?
Yes, your baby will need breast milk or formula until he's a year old. Both provide important vitamins, iron, and protein in an easy-to-digest form. Solid food can't replace all the nutrients that breast milk or formula provides during that first year.